Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 150, 28 Iune 1894 — A Serious Matter. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

A Serious Matter.

The goverument hus. throngh its minister of foreign aff iirs, 1 j (lemamleel an apology from the ' Advertisei' for an article whieh i appeared in the official organ j of the provisional goverumeut on the 18th of June, and whieh as Minister Hatch states, “iends to ! hold this gentleman (H. B. M. ' 1 Minister) np topublic ridicn!e.” j The Advertiser takes heed of Mr. Hatoh’s b tter, nnd it apo!ogizes to Minisb>r Wodebouse. The i apology is conched m such terms ; as to add insult to injnry. Tho Adver1i*er evidently consider it- ! self safe and secnre of any retali- j ! ation, bnt it forgets that there in * this town is. not alone a formid able number of true 6ritishars ready to answer any insnlt against the man who represents their flag ! and their conntrv, bnt that in j our harbor floats a vessel, on I board of whieh eaeh man from tho ! captain to the apprentice eon- ; sider the persisteut insnlts as directed ag.iinst him. The follow- 1 ing lines iu the alleged apblogy are sufficient to show the hostile i , spir*t, and the intentional otfense , | towards Queen Victoria’s repre- , seutative. Mr. Cast!e writes. ■ referring to Minister Wodehouse: We, in eommon with hnndreds of others. regard the attitnde whieh he has maint«ined toward this governmeut as highly reprehensibie, and as grOssly misrepreseuting the real spirit of the | great and liberty-loving j>eople whieh has sent him here. The evident belief of the offieiai organ, aud of the provisional goveroment thak the United i t>t »tes’representativewillinterfere ! on tbeir behall, and protect tbem agaiost the just and legitiraate 1 reprisals of an insalted. great > power ought to be dispelled at onee. The British Lion does not desire the proprietorsbip of i tbese islands, bat he doesn’t proi poee to bare his tail t«isted or ' handled by the amall rats who in high glee dance aroand a Iost featfaer of tbe nohle American Eagle, and beliere tbat the eagle is bebiod the feather. Go sio« Mr. Dole yoa are not the ,! Champioa.”