Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 150, 28 June 1894 — A Soothing Formality. [ARTICLE]

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A Soothing Formality.

In tbe raspectfal but emphatic iloeumenl presented by tbe ; Scbuetzen Club to the conreni ilon, « cynical reference is madē I j to eeeiion 2 of aiiiele 1 of tfae ,; draft constitQtion whieh reads: * The gOTenunent is condocted for the eommon good, and not • for the profit honor or prirate ' | intereel of any one man, family I I or elaaa o( men.” Tbe Scbaetzen being aware that this eeeiion ia

1 bormweJ from the constitutioa of thfc Cuite\i States whieh was JrafteJ by patriuts who were endorseJ by the people; natun»lly look npon tbe empbatic deelaniion of honesty in tbis section as an incoogrnity. Henee tbey satirise it as a “soothing formality.” Taken in connection with all the rest of the constitotion. this virtuous section is in a very bad company not mueh unlike » well meaningyoath ina Jen of thieves; I for evervthing of tbe document is so clearly focusseJ on a eommon centre, brilliant with the h>ghest possibilities for boodle, tbat the simplest Schuetzen who runs may read it. The constitntion is drafted in tho sole interests of a class known as the holy fami!y eompact, so that every ap{K)intment will be made in the Russian plan, by the head of the State, J and as the rising crop of missionary progeny now being ' edncated at Punahou aud abroad are more numerous than the gov1 _ I ernraent offices, it ean be seen bv the Schnetzens ‘dot dat poliee vot on dem horses’ will be ; ; replaced by young horseraen who | areiu thefuraily,andconsequentIy will carry guns for the governraent whieh will be owned by their fathers, withont raaking *ny kiek for liber.il politics. This is the poliiieal milleninm for the family compact whieh the i Schuetzens and kindred bodies have been busy at work on; but Dole, Smith, Hatch and Co. have borrowed the Schuetzens and are ; about thro«gh with thera.