Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 150, 28 June 1894 — RIGHT YOU ARE, MOSES! [ARTICLE]

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Little Franc!s talks sense. It will be reiuembereJ that cmr E. C. got into hot water the other day throngh a bard boileJ eJitorial in whieh tbe tempo AUwas used too mueh to be palatable to the British Minister. A complaint was filed with the Foreign Office and Minister Hatch demanded an apology on bebalf of Mmister Wodebonse whieh, according to Adferiistr ideas, was published this morning. Whatever the offense of the Adverti8er may be, we desire to eipress onr unbonnded pleasnre in seeing Minister H itch regainina his eommon sense and emphatically disavowing tbe action of Stevens in this eouutry, Mr. Hatch writes as follows to Mr. Henry Castle the editor of the I\ C. Advertiser. A dip!omatic officer is accredited to a goverument on!y, and h »s I no right to have dealings of any 1 natur** with the people among whom he dwells or any class of 1 them, or to take any part in i Jomestic politics. Any sort of commnuication with the enemies of the government witb whieh he has established diplomatic re!aI tious. or with those plotting against it, would justify his im- | meiliaie removal from tbe eouni try. It is, as we say. pleasing to notice that Mr. Hatch finally has adopted the . views freqnently expressed in the Holomua. Min- I ister Stovens was “accredited to ! Liliuokalani’s Goverument. He had dea1iugs of a political nature with Judd, Dole, Soper. Water | honse and others (vide Blount’s report) and he took a ruost active part in onr domestic politics (/6.) He held eommunieaiion j with the enemies of the goverunient with whieh he had established dipIoraatie re'ations and with ; those plotting »gainst it and h£ la:d himself open to be cashiered iu disgrace and sent home in a hasket. How refreshing to notice these : lofty priuciples of Mr. Hatch, the great attorney of Claus Sprec- 1 kels. What :ujustice the opposition has done to tbis legal talent ; by Joubting his sincerity, his hnnesty as a Hawaiian citizen. yes, i even his sanity. He condemns Mr. J. L. Stevens. He justi£es j everythmg whieh the royalist governmeut, the royalist press I and the royalist people have said against tbat abortive diplomat aud he estab!Lshes a rule for Hawaii whieh it will be well worth for all in oppositiou to the constitutional government to remem ber Mr. Hatch will yet eome J backintotbe fold of the royalists I And there will be more joy j among the g>x>J citizens over the return of that one sinner than of ninetv-nine Doles and Smitbs who need no repenlance (accordicg to themselTes.)