Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 150, 28 Iune 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

DAINIPPON Hotel >treet ■ ArIington Block.) A »hoT« 8tore h»s receired aootbet Spieodid Invoic* of j!apanese 3ilk, fANCY GoODS, Per S. S. “China —cojirRi5i>c— BEAUT1FUL SILK |AND CRAPE, I>re<M Oood* in all »h*d«, plaln and fignred. Cuahions, Table Cot«», Bed CoTers, Oowna, ehemuea, Soawls, Silk Crape Ha’mhow Silks, AJ1 Colore Fanry Dnperies, EMBEOIDERED HAHDKERCHIEFS Ooilliea, .So»rfs, Sashes, Jackets, Capa, Etc., Etc. NOVELTIES: Tbe Pricea of tbese Goods wili astonisb you inoluding elegant silk kimonosi Handsome Cigarette Cases, Pin Cushions, Silk Tea Cossies, IiiRGE AND SXALL JAPJNESE RIGK Rilk Umbrellas, light bnt strong; Chair So<ldles, Silk; linmhoo Blinds, fitted with pnlleys; £ilk Lamp Sbades, uew style. f APANE8K .SCREEX.S, From $3 Ep. L1RGF. JlPINESE U1BRELL1S £3A. Can be Set with Pole In the ground, niee for Pieniea or Lunches oul of doore, Uiey ean be opened out or use<l as a tent. COTT()N CRAPES IN GREAT VARIKTY fyinspection Respectfally Invited. MRS. J. P. P. eOLLAOO, Proprietre3S, Aprl2-3ma C. T. AKANA R]ei , c|ajit īailop 1 324 Nuuana Street .AJ1 Suits Guaranteed To Fit aml in the Latest Style. Clothes Cleaned and Repaired. no!7 THE COMMERCIAL 8ALOON, HARRY KLEMME, Manager Cor. Nuuanu <fe Beretania sts. Hoaolulu, H. I. The Only Sprrtmg House in Town. O. 3~*. S. a Specialitv. JjOHENGRlN LAGER |BEER, Always on Draught. * GLASSES FOR 25 CENTS. Best of Wines, Liquors, and Ci!*ars, aLWaYS ON HAND. iul tf W. S. LUCE and Sr>irit! Merchant CampbM F*rt-proof Block, MERCHANT6TT.. HONOLULU.