Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 150, 28 Iune 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
! TH E MBCH AMC8' UNI O N wiU meet ON WEDNESDAY EVEN G Jane 'J7th. at S p.m.. the pUee. A Full Attendaace ii Bequested. jn25 3t FER ORDER. >OTICE. AU persons are h?rebr prohitnted frotu trespassing or ;aking anr thing from the land of the anderaigned, sitasted at Muolea, Hana, Ial&nd of Maui. MAUA UMALOA. Kalihiuka. Oahu, Jnne 28, 1894. ju‘28 Im FLOUR! -:- To Arrlvc Per ss. Arawa, 400 Bbls. Oregon l : lour l.ion braijd, | sacks. 0 €’ <Jt C brand, sacks. For Sale AT LOW FIGURES. THE0. H. DAVIES & C0 jn2I Iw FEED STUFFS — To Arrivc Per s». Arawa, WASH1XGT0X 0ATS!j 400 B»gs. Washin!ton Rolled Barlev, U a 1 1,000 Bags. WASHINGT0N BRAN, 500 ,Bags. At Lo\vest Trade Piieee. LARGE STOCK OF Groccrics Aiways on Hand — AT — THE0. H. DAVIES & C0. jn21-lw LOST. A FOX TEBRIER BITCH, answering to tbe name of ■‘Patch.’’ A reward will be paid for her recovery at the Anchor SaIoon, coruer of Nananu and King streets. XLortgagje's ?sotice of Intention to X'orelose and of Sale. In *ccord*noe witb the provi»ions of c«rInin Mortsrage, m»de by KAAIAKALA (k) of Pueopeko, Hj1o. Hawūi, to E. G. Hitcheoek. d*tcd Ango*s 16. 1890. m»rded in Liber 136 on pag*s 256 and 258 and dnly •a«igued to Kini K&naeholo, dated October 9, 1891, recorded in Liber 126 on page 257. }io!ice ts herebr given that the mortg*ge intends :o forecloHe the ame for condiuon bn>ken to writ; Dnnpeyment of pnoeipnl and interest notiee is likewise given th*t after the eipinOon of three week» from the date of this ootice, the propertv eonveyed by «id mortgage will be mlvertised for «ale ,t pnblic uctkm •; Hilo Coort Hooee on 8*tnrd*r the 14 d*y of July, 1894, *t 13 noon of aaid day. Fniiber parbcolara ean be had of Kinney M. Koahoo attorney at iaw. Dated, HOo, June 19ih, 1894. Terms Cash. Dm3a at the eipenae of rchaasr. KIM KAKAEHOLO. Ihe prem»ea cov«red by «aīd rhe*undivided intreat in the Und de»hed ia Boyal Pateut Knabar 1028 aad )pb parti— lariy deaenbed ia daad trom ihkeiekahi to made 4th da y of broary, k. D. 1890, recorded ia Lib*r 137 pag«a 40 aad 41.