Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 150, 28 Iune 1894 — Untitled [ARTICLE]
A wbite b»rclar eutered C. M. Cooke’s resideuce last night and sc »red tbe Portuguese watchman The burglar took nothing, but is j uevertheless a burglar accordiug ■ to the code of the Central Union. The new republic will be ready • for proclamation on tbe 4th of July. The oOieial notification is expected to t ike plaee at 5 minutes to 12 rn. whereafter the Champion, Kongo and Philadelphia will salate the—4th of Jul}'. Xearly all the seats for the Vaudeville Company’s performanee have heen taken. L. J. Levey will soon hangouthis famous signy*‘only standing roora.” A nnmber of raerchants and rnechanics have given prizes for the citizens’ rifle matcb to take plaee on the Fourth. What delegate will win Nott’s “thunder potr