Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 150, 28 June 1894 — Petition For Pardon. [ARTICLE]

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Petition For Pardon.

A petition is being circulated praying Mr. Dole and company to p»rdon Joe Millswho has been confined in Oahu Jail for the last four years for man slaughter. It will be remembered that Mills and three other foreigners were convicted of killiug a Japanese storekeeper in Honokaa, and all were seutenced to long terms of imprisonment. Milla’eompaniona have all made their escape from the jail, and the friends of the prisoner miw pray that the bal anee of his sentence may be remitted. Mills was sentenced I to nine years inprisoument, and he is now weil up in tbe sixties. A number of prominent citizeus j have signed the petition.