Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 150, 28 June 1894 — A Rare Fruit. [ARTICLE]
A Rare Fruit.
A beautiful specimen of tbe tropical fruit of the passion f!ower, the grandilla was exbibited today at the store o( Seaborn Loee in whose garden on Nuuanu valley, tbe unusial fruit had grown. The fruit is of the size | of a water melou aud of a most delicions and juicy taste. Flavosed with Club Sherry an artide in whieh Mr. Luee is a specia:ist the fruit is euough to convert a ’ professional gourmand to heeame j a fruitarian. Those interested in i our diversified industries shoold | . Laee uo time io cultivating this ’ refresbing fruit and purchasing tho seeds of it —and the sherrj-.