Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 149, 27 June 1894 — The Bay Horse Cases. [ARTICLE]
The Bay Horse Cases.
On Sunday the 17th inst. Geo. Honghtai!ing an eraployee of the Bay Morso Saloon was arrested for selling liquor on that date and p!aced under bonds. At tbe sarae time James Gibbs was arrested for selling liquor without a license at the sime timo and plaee, and also placed under bonds to appear on the followiug Mouday. The cases were eontiuued several tiraes and eaine up i,ist Monday, when a new charge was entered against both defendants jointly ch«rging them with dttailing spirituous liquors on Snnday the I7th, they being the servantsof the holder of the license Mr. Creighton coonsel for the defence objecled to the charge entered as defendants, 1 ad n t * been arrested npon it, and de- : raaiide<i that they be tried on the I chargesiu the warrants audclaira- | ed that the warrraut agiinst Honght (iling was defective as the law, he waa charged with violating did not exist Deputy Attorney-General Wilder entered a nolle pros. on both warrants, ' and t!ie trial proceeded on the i charge then made —defendant’s waiving theissuance of awarraat. Evans a detective swore tbat he purchased two drinks from Gibbs on the day mentioned, i but none from Honghtailing. He also swore that he had been ; tbere three Snndays the 4th, llth and 17th. aud at no other time. Tbat the saie on tue 17tb took pl.*ce in a room orf tbe Chinese Stable ou Betuel street. Other evidence was produced as to the employment of defendants. tbe ownersbip of the room, tbe rfuding of the iiqoor «ad the eonj ditiuns of tbe premises. After the ci> se of tbe prosecotion the defeuce moved for their discbarge, and tbe e. urt discbarged Mr. Hoogbtailiug as tbere was no evideuce agamst him, and after viewmg the premises did charged Mr Gibbs on tbe grouns tbat tbere was no evideuce to 1 bold him guilty o( the otfence charged.