Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 149, 27 Iune 1894 — Very Likely. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Very Likely.

lt is stated that the reason why j lbe Fourth of July bas been selected as tbe day on whieh the republic sball be proclaimed is, lliat tbe usual salutes will be fired at noon of that day by the war vessels in port in bonor of America’s nalional day, aud tbat tbe “republican” government proposes to appropriate sai»l salutes j for its own use, and elaim that it | has been fully pon>leritfd by the foreign powers. Such a scheme niay work among tbe ignorant crowd bebind DoIe’s throne. but it will hardly bave any etTect in lbe eamp of sensible citŪ6ens—lieap savey Hawaii-Meiiean man