Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 149, 27 June 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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EoteI street /Arlington BIock.) A «tooTe Store has receiTed anolhei Spiend:d lnvoioe of |Iapanese |5lLK. f ANCY GoODS, Per S. S. ‘ , China.” —COMPRISXNG — BEAUTIFUL SILK |AND CRAPE, Press Qoods in all shade, plain and tignred. Cnshioita, Table CorerR, Bed Covers, Gowns, Ch>?mbes, Shawls. Silk Crape llaiolww Silks, All Colors Fancy Draperies, ElBROiDERED HAKDKEECHEFS Doillies, Scarfs, Sashes, Jackets, Caps, Etc., Etc. NOVELTIES: fhe Prioes of these Gooda will astoniah yon incladiug ELEGANT 8ILK KIM0N08! H andsoait Cigarette Cases, Pin Cnshions, Silk Tea Cossies, LiRUG 1M) SMiLL JiPiI£SE BU«S fiilk Umbrellas, light bnt strong; Chair Saddles, fiilk; Hnmboo Blinds, fitfed with pulleys; SUk Lamp Shades, uew sty!e. JArANE.SK SCUKENS, From Ip. UB«E JiPilBSB riBRELLlS Can be Set with Pole in the gronnd, niootor Pienieu or Lanehea ont of doors, they ean be opened out or ased as a teut. COTTON CRAPES IN GREAT VARIETY fyinspection IlesjiectfnHy Invited. MRS. J. P. P. COLLACO, Proprietress. Aprl2-3ms C. T. AKAXA J]ePc5&iifc īailoi" 321 Nauana Street jrVll Suits Guaranteed To Fit and in the Lateat Style. Clothes Cleaned and Repaired. oo!7 THE COMMERCIAL 8ALOON, Harry Klemme, Manager Cor. Naaana & Kenelania sts. Honolala, H. I. The Only Sp. rtmg Hoase in Town. O. P. S. a Specialitv. L0HENGRIN LAGER JBEER, Always on Drjaght. 2 GLASSE3 FOR 25 CEXTS. Besi of Wines, Liquors, and Ci$ars, ALWAYS ON HAND. jnl tf W. S. LUCE “Wine anei Snirit Merchant C<u*pbell F\Tt-vroof Bloek, MEBCHANTST.. HONOLULU.