Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 149, 27 June 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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IX TRE CĪK ITT COCRT. FiRST CI8I cuit of I*'*nvis. In ta« znatur oIERNEST[XEC.RAY, of Uooolalo. Oaha, To«ODt*TT htnkr ip< t";on readmg *nd filipg tbe ppt.tion of st)d Etoisubv Graj aiieging th.it ciore th»a s x monlh - haee el.ipiei since she vtu> «>ijndged iMnkmpt, *nd pr»jmg for * dHctuiBe from aii h>er debtp, it is . nfcred tiut FKSDAY. the I3th day of Jnly. 1S 4. st 10o'ct->ck *.®. of s*td eLip. in the Coortrvx.m c4 s*id C«ort, ia Alitol.ni U*le. Hon»>in;o. 1* »nd tbe ome i» herehv appointed for hesnag said »{>pi.c*t>on. at nhieh Hm- «n>i pUre- ail creditors vbo h»Te pn> »ed thcir cUun« agitiast said b mkropt mar «ppear a:;d sh >v c»nse, if *nr tbev ha-.e, vhr the pr-- er of s*id (mnkmpl shoo)d not be t;ranted. Bv the Court; GEO. LCCAS, C!erk. Honoiulu, Jnne‘J6, |x<M. 3t—eov 3IOTIC'K. TH E HECHAMCS' eXI O X vill meet ON WEDNESDAY EVEN G Jnne 27th, at 8 p.m., at the nsoal pLiee. A Full Attendance b Rcvjnestetl. jn25 3t l’ER ORPER. Kamehameha Schoois CLOSING EXERCISES Begin - on - Wedncsday, JUXE 2Tth 3hope Opt n and Kunniii,- »t 1:30 p.m. l)XHlBlT103f, Roth PRITARATORl a.nd 3KAir.iL, 3 p. m.. in Bishop Hall; Battalion Drill and Band Concert, 4:30 p. m. on ('ampo*. 1 )P10I?0 IX Kawaiahao Church. Thursday. JCXE 38th, ' p.m. PCBLIC CORl»LALLY TXVfTED. ju35 FEED STUFFS To Arrive Per ss. Arawa, WASHIXGTON’ OATS! 400 B 'gs. \Vasliiiiffton liullol Bar!ev, a i 7 1,000 Bags. WASHINGTOX BRAX, 500 ,B..gs. At Lowest Trale Pneea. LARGE STOCK 0F Groceries Always on Hand AT — THE0- H. DAVIES & C0. jn21-Iw LQST. A FOX TEKKIEB BITCH, «nsvrering to tbe name of "‘Patch.” A reward will be paiel for her recovery at the Anchor Saloon, corner of Nuaanu and King streets. VIortgage*s >sotice of Inteution to K'orolose anel of Sale. In «eoonlanee vith the pn>Tision * of cerlin Mortgage, made br KAAIAKALA (k) t Pueopnku, Hilo, Hav«ii, lo E. O. Hitchoek. dated Aognst 16, 1890. reeonled in aber 138 on p«gt* 356 &nd 258 acd dnlr s»igu«rd to Kini Kanaeholo, dated Oetober . 1881, reoorded m Liber 126 on page 257. iotice is hereby given liul the mortgage itenda to foreclot* the same for condition loken to vrit: nonpayment of pnnopal ud inWrest notice Ls likcvi»e given that fter tbe expiraUon of three v<-eks from the ate of thi» notice, the prr>pertT conveye<i t said mortgage viil I* » i verti*ed for aaie t puhhe aaelion at Hilo Coart Houae on etnrdaj the 14 day of Jnlj, 1SW. at 12 oon of said « , *j. . , Fartber particnUr» eaa be had of Kinnej 1. Koahou attomej at lav. Dated, GBlo, June 13th. 188*. Terms Caah. Deeds at the expense of mk ** r ' KIXĪ RAXAFHOLO. The pmniaee corered bj *aid mortgage oosiit> oi t The andirided intrest in the !and desnhed in Roj*l Patent Xamber 1028 and Mn n*rticuūr)j described in deed from ieliikelekahi to Kaaikaī» y, A. D. 1300. r*-orded in L«Ur 127 1 40 and 41.