Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 149, 27 June 1894 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

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Tue Auiei'ioau didu t stoj> tbe 1,500 Japanese from , Iandiug as it was promised they wou!d do. Don’t forget the graduating exeroises of the Kamehameha schools at Kawaiahao church to morrow night. The p.g. officials are still elaimiog that Miuister Willis will establisb a protectorate as soon as the‘’repablic” is proclaimed. ■ - —i i — Tbe dosiug exercises o£ the Kamehameha schools are taking plaee tbis afternoon. A large number of people is present — The Aikoke Maru left Yokohama on the 9th inst. aod is due ( in a dty or two. She brings no contract laborers. Nearly all the seats for the performance of the VaudoviIle Companv on the 5th of Joly have been taken By calling at L J. Levey's office. a few tickets may yei be secured.