Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 149, 27 June 1894 — The Miike Maru. [ARTICLE]
The Miike Maru.
The Jupanese steamer Miike , Maiu arrived oti’ port last night, and aftera thorough investigation : b\* the health ofticers waspermit* ted to laud this afteruoon. The stearaer is fifteeu days out frora l'okohama and carries 1197 male aud 3*27 feraale immigrantsShe also hus two cabin passengers aud fifteen in the steerage. As fj;eight she carries eoal and Japanese merchaudise. Owing to tho pestilence in China, tho | quarantine authorities used great care in allowing the vessel to eome iuside. Secretary Wray Taylor is busy this afternoon lunding the iramigrauts who will be distributed on the ditfereut ! plantatious as soon as possible. The Miike Maru will pcobably take about 600 Japanese away from here when she leaves for homo.