Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 149, 27 Iune 1894 — BENEDICTINE WINS. [ARTICLE]
Seaborn Lnee Will Take the Prize. TLere U qaite a competition amonf» tbe mercbants as to who is to Like tbe prize otfered by the 4tb of JaIycommittee to the party whopreseats thefinest decoration of bis premises. Seaborn Laee bas beeu practisiu£ for several Jays, but today be hit tbe mark and tbe committee is witb Lim. Some beautiful posters advertisiug the famous Benedictine furnisbed the foundation of tbe : decoration while samples of the uniiiue liqueur put the ‘judging’ committee in tbe best of bumor. Besides being picturesque tbe decoration bas the udvautage of being palatable and useful. Even the aromatic mieeweie out of sight. Don’t forget to eall.