Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 149, 27 June 1894 — LOCAL NOTES. [ARTICLE]

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Have you tried Luce’s Benedic tine? Company B bas re—elected Louia f. Kenake first Iieutenaut. Jobn W. Kalua is at present an ardent philo-American. Wbat next? Mr. Dole’s bome-made republic will be proclaimetl on tbe Fourth of J uly. The Monowai is due tomorrow from Sydney eu route for San Francisco. Dr. Brodie leaves on the Warrimoo for Britisb Columbia for a sbort vacation. The convention was at it again today. The constitutiou is now nearly full-baked. Compauy B s ball took plaee last night. aud is said to bave been a sucessful atfair. lf tbe Monowai arrives today the b ind will play Hawai- | an H itel at i :3J p. m. Makaweli plantation will finish grindiug in two or three weeks. TLe crop will exceed 13,000 tous. L»oo. Hooghtuiling charged with violating the Suuday l«w, w:4s discharged iu the District Court The Pbiladelpbia ra->n, it is. und rstood, will uotbelanded on the Fourth. to partake iu Oolouel Soper’s parade. The M ini people are to be oongratulated ou the appointraent of Dr. Armitage as govennent physician for Wailnkn. * * Mr. Husted the directory man has appointed D;tvid Morton as his canvassiug ageut for Maui. M >rton left yestcrday by tbe Claudiue. It is expeoted that Fraucis Leo etc. Hardeu will depart on the Monowai. Tho government iuteuds to assist him in makiug himself scarce. People desiring to visit Maui , on the Foorth sbouldsecure tbeir tickets witbout de!ay. Tbe prospects are tbat tbe Claudiue will be crowded. B mting for tbe Fourtb of July is in great demand. Charles Girdler aold his whole stock of red, wbite and blue before 10 o’eloek tbis moruiug. I The progr;»mme for tbe celebra- ( tion of tbe Fourth of July has been made up and promises sorae j good eutertaiment to those who celebrate America’s day. Tbe beneficiaries under tbe i will of J. F. O. Banning will I receive over $71,000 eaeh. The htigation between the heirs and tbe administrator of the estate is now fiuisbed. — II is stated that the Japanese Diplomatic Ageut Mr. S. Fujii' has asked tbe government for ' permission to land the troops from tbe Kongo for a drill, and | has been re(ased. The reasons of the refusal seem to be similar to those given to the British ■ reprosentatire.