Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 149, 27 June 1894 — HAWAIIAN HARDWARE COMP'Y [ARTICLE]
The AilTertiser who catches a persons eve a«nally wins a cnstoiuer. M-tny dirferent sty!es of advertising have been adopted and with more or less sncoess, by the believers in the use of printers ink. The nianufactnrers of Pears Soj»p, for instance, occasion ! ally bnv paintings that have been on exhibition in the Pari’s Salon and have lithographs m.ule from them for the pnrpose of bringing tbeir pn>l ict before the people. In addition to such side issaes, Pear spends hnndreds thonsands of dollais annnally amoug the nowspa{>ers and mag- , azīnes. Si>me years ago the Ageuts of certain article on sale in New York made a hit in advertising by havino on Broadway during business hours two fatluessly dressed Negroeaweariagvery high collars, on the b »cks of whieh was printed “Use Smiths Pills.” The idea w.».s novel »nd the pnhlie caught on. Rising Sun Stove Polish bas been kept before the public for years through }>ersis* b*nt, and sometimes esj>ensive advertisiug. Tweuty o>ld years ago the manufacturers of this po!ish started balf a dozen men across the oruimeut to pauit sigus on rock» and fences. Tlie Aermotor Co., of Chicago have iucreased its sales more than five lmndred per cent in two years by the nse of printers iuk. Wo beheve we hnve been instrumental iu inen a ing the sdes of tha Aemotor 1 y keej>iugeverlastiugly at it iu Hi.w .ii.
We iio not wish to say that advertising will sell any iuanufact«red article; thore is no use spen«ling money in advertising “eheap and nasty'’ gocals beoanse the people will not be hoodwinkoil. If H«vil,md Cbina was not the s«perior nrticle it is, «11 onr advertising of it wou!d not have sold the thousands of pieeea that we have. We simply eall the attentiou of the people to it and its superior quality is apparent to tlie customer directly a pieee of it is oxumined. Printers ink has belped the sale of the Jauies Locked Fence but it wo ild not h tve dones so if it had been as flimsy as the or dinay wire fence. First; the economy"thero is in building it recomraen<ls it to the plautation manager aud theu it« durability elineliea the tbe sale If the stays anil washers cost as mueh as an ordinarv redwood post onr sales of the material wouhl not have reached such enormous proportions. Our average sale of the Pansv Iron Stove is about two a day tho year rouud. If wa» not the best irou stove on the market wa would not sell tbut many m six months. Advertising is the tip t > tho pnhhe the good poiuts m thearticle se!ls it ju»t as the good qualities of the Fiscber Steel Hange make it a desirable articie for people who wisb toeconorui.se in the use of fuel. We bny only wbat has proven gooil after peoplo in the Lnited States or Etiroj>e have giveu it a trial; we profit by their experince if ihe articles are goood we boy and sell them; if they are poor we steer clear of tbem. When we »dvertise au article it is to attract atteution to it; the newspaper ; s the button we push, the | salesman does tbe rest Persisteot advertising conpled with the articld being a superior one has sold tbousands of the Franic Walcot Emorv Pile. If it bad heen no better Ihan an ordinaiy scytha stone we prob«bly woala not faave sold twenty. When a man finds out that bis table knives may be keptsbhrp at ! all times at an expense of fifty cents snd a very littie elbow grease be is qoite wiiiing to try the expenment. Tie Hinia HaNiaie 307 Port Street