Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 148, 26 June 1894 — More Intimidation. [ARTICLE]
More Intimidation.
Admiral "\Valker. who, we un<lerstand, state.s, tbat the ]audiug of Amenean troops iu foreign ports for tbe purpose of drill, is a cnstomary affair, threw his bat- j talion on shore again this morn- | ing and had it marohed through Nuuann street, presumably for the' purf>ose of intimidating the Chiuese who inhabit that quarter of the town. The battalion turned dowu Beretania street and passed the Queen‘s residence to the music of the flagsbip band. For a won<ler the troops did not indu'ge in any riot drill and the tnfic was not iuterfered with. lt is snpposed that the battalion will mako an excursion to Puneh- ■ bowl next woek to overawe the Portuguese colony. In the meanlime the Japanese aml British troops stay on-board and don’t seem in need of drill.