Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 148, 26 Iune 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
jN the cibctit ooeki. f:rst cirI cait of th- Hi» «uian lsUads. In Ihe m*ttcr o4EBJ*ESTINEORAT, of Honolulo. Oaho, Tolunt*TT butnpt. Upon mkhu: and titing th<r pvtztion of saīd Era«st>ne Gnv &lleging that more than s x month.> hare eiapMii stnc« she «djndgoi bankrapt. *nd prajmg f jr a dtsch»rse from all bt-r debts, it is t rdered tiut FKIDAY. the 13th day cf JnlT, at 10o'oloek *.m. of said dar, in the ConrtzvH.>m of saīd Conrt. in AlhoUni Haie, Honoluln, be *ad tbe s*me is herebT *ppointed for herring s*nt apph - eaūoo. at »hich time an-1 plaee all cre<htors srbo h*To proTed their claims again$t said bankrnpt uut appeai and show cans«, if »ny they h*T0, wby the ptuyer of said tsinkmpt shouid not be granted. Bt ihe Conrt: GEO. LrCAS. Cerk. Honolnln, Jnne 26, 1S04. 3t—eow XOTl(la Th e mee n A X Ie S- UNION will meet ON V*EDNESDAY EVEN G Jnne 2Tth. at 8 p.m.. at the nsna) pLiee. A Full Attendanoe ia Reiinestod. jn2ō 3t l’ER ORDER. Kamehameha Schools CL0SING EXERCISES Beoin - on - \Vcdncsdav, o • Jl'NF. 27th. 8hops Open aml Running at 1:30 p.m. l \ll I lllTIO\. Roth PREPAR4TORY asd MAAl'AL, 3 p. m . in Bishop Hall; BattaIion Drill and Band Concert. 4:30 p.m. on Campo*. d hses IX Kawaiahao Church. Thursday. JUXE - >s Ui. 8 p.m. PUBUC CORDlALLY IXVITED. jn23 FEED STUFFS To Arrive Per ss. Arawa, \VASHL\GT0X 0ATS! 400 B igs. WashiiuFtoD Rolled Barlev. i 7 1,000 Bags. WASH1NGT0N BKAN, 500 ,B.*gs. At Lov/est 7rale Prices. LARGE STOCK OF Groceries Aiways on Hand — AT — THE0. H. DAVIES & C0. jn2l-lw LOST. A FOX TEKRIER BITCH, answering to the name of ‘‘Patch.” A reward will l»e paid for her recovery at the Anchor Saloon, corner of Nuaana and King streets. ZSIort2rao:e‘ , s >sotice of īntention to lforolose and of Sale. In *ccordancr writh th* proTisions of cer:ain Mortgnge, mad« by KAAIAKALA k) »f Pneopaku, H 'o, Huwaii. to £. G. Hitchs>ek. datcd Angust 1«. 1890. recorded in Liber 128 on 256 and 25.8 and dnlv tssizned to Kini KanarhoU>, dated Octol»er ), ls91, reoorded m Ltber 126 on p»ge 237. Sotice is b«reby gtT«n th*t the mortgage >ntends to foret-Io*e the same for cond«lion t>roken to writ: oon{»yment of pnneipal iml interest aoāee M iikewia» given th*t Jter the expiiation of three week» frum the i*te of thw notice, the prv»pertT oonveyed by Mid mortgage will be *dT«rti»ed for aale ii pobbc anoti<jn at Hilo Court Hon*e oa 8wtnrday thc 14d*y oi Jnly, 181*4, ai 12 uoon of aaid Furtber particnl*rs ean be had of Kinney M. Kowhoa *ttorney at Uw. Dated. Hūo. June 18th. 1894. Terms C*sh. Deeda *t the expense of pudnKr. KTXI KASAF.eOLO. The prvmise-t corered by s*ād mortgage conaaata >f, Tbe und>Tided intreat in the !and described in Boy«l Patent Xtunber 1028 and more p«rtienūr!T deecnbed in deed fioa Ke&keUkahi lo KaaikaU made 4th da y of Pebroarr. A. D. 1880, recorded in Lib«r 127 ja pagw 4U*ad 41.