Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 148, 26 June 1894 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

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It is reported that Mr. J. T. Waterhouse’s builJing known as 1 the Queeu and situated on Nunanu Street opposite the Eagle House will be utilized as a Hotel to be run on strictly teraperance principles. The conventinn was at work again to-day. The prospects are that the new constitution will be ready to be served on the Fourth of July. And won't the family corapact have a jnbdee—for a little while. The Schentzen Club has been heard from o i tho new constitution. The instrument doesn’t ineet the undivided approval of the Club whieh is bad for the Club. The raost uoteworthy clause in the resolntions is the recomraendation of 1 iber » 1 appropriations tor the poliee. An artiele to that etfect would certainly iraprove the complexion of | the fundaraentd law. The salary of theChief Engineer of the Honolnln Water Works shonld be reduced immediatelv . for not notifying the residents of K ipalaina that tbe water would be shnt off yesterday afternoon and this morning The on!y notice they have received, thos far. frora that incnmbent is, that their water rates are due and payable on July lst—whether they get their lawful allowanoe or not, nnd he never forgets ‘ that part of tue piay. House-1 keepers liviug in tbat direction I were seen goiug hither and thither; | in quest uf water for domestic purposes, and werevery fortunate i iudeed in having a kind aud near neighbor to fnmish tham witb tbe required elemeut from his artesian well. Tbe Kapalama resi- ! dents are agiiating the eonstruc- ' tion of a Crane to hoiat tbe pipe with aad drain it. A thirsty crowd will, no doubt, prove a very dangeroos and desperate mob! A two line ad. in the Holoxca woatd have settled the trooble. ,