Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 148, 26 June 1894 — LOCAL NOTES. [ARTICLE]

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Tbe MaluUni arrived this afternoon. Dr. Herbert has been appointed physician to tbe Insane Asylum. Company B's ball tukes plaee tonight in the drill shed. Tbe Claudine leaves for Maui at 5 o eloek tbis afternoon. The Irmgard arrived in San Francisco on the 18th inst. Delegates Baldwin and Pogue are back. The constitution is safe. The Scheutzen Club is now locateil on Beretania Street next to the Coramercial Hotel. Geo. H. Roberlson bas found *30 lying around on the street. And then they talk about hard times. — The Arawa left this morning at ) 11 o'eloek. Hor detention was due to the heavy freight for this port. . . 1 There will be a subscnption dance at the Hotel on uext Mon- | day. Invitations wore issuod yesterday. Cbar!es Girdler has got a l«rge supply of red, white aud blue bunting suitable for decorations on the Fourth. Sold at a reasonable price. Lieutenaut-Coraraander Logau was in oomraand of the battalion whieh was !anded frora tbe Phil- ( adelphia this morning. Where did he get that voice' Tho band concert at the Hotel last night was well patron zed. Professor Berger iutroduced several new pieeea whieh were received with applause. The usual lie regarding the alleged -engagement of one of Mr T. H. Davies son‘s to Princess Kaiulaui is being circulnted again by the Ailverti*er. George R >ss the well-known raaangor of Hakalau pIantation will leave for Scotland on the | Monowai. Mrs. Ross will aecompany ber linsband. The Misses Wanl, Parker, i Nenmann and Finkler who have niade the circuit of Oahu during the last week returned to town i last night after a inost delightful irip. _ : The creditors of Ernestine Gray are re<iuested to be present in tbe Circuit Court of the First Circnit on Friday, the 13th day of June, at 10 a.m. See legal notice, elsewhere, in this issue. Tbe Kinau wi!l leave next , Monday for Hilo instead of Tnesdav. Tbe cbange is made for the purpose of giving the p«ssengers j and crew a ehanee to spend the Foorth of July in Hilo. Those desiring to take iu the races at Kaholui on the Fonrtb eau leave here ou the third by the Claudine. and return by tbe | W. G. Hall. on the 5th. Round | lrip tickets will be sold at tbe office of Wilder’a S. S- Co. for $8.00. This arr*ngement furuishes a fine opportnnity to anybody who wish to visit picturesqoe Mani.