Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 148, 26 June 1894 — HAWAIIAN HARDWARE COMP'Y [ARTICLE]

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The Atlvertiser who e*tches a persons eve asaaliy wins a castomer. M>tny ditferent styles of advertising h«ve been adopted aud witb more or less snccesa, by the believers in the nse of printers ink. Tbe niHnnfacturers of Pears Sonp. for instance. occasion allv bnv paintings that have l>een on exhibition in tbe Pari’s Salon aud have lithograpbs made frora them for the pnrpose of bringing their prodact before the peopie. In addition to such side issues, Pear'spends huudreds tbonsands of dollurs annnally araong the newspa|>ers and magazines. Sorae years ago the Agents of certain article on sale in Now York made a hit in advertising by having on Bro«dway during business honrs two fatluessly dressed N'egroes wearing verv high collars, on the backs of whieh was printed *’Use Smitbs Pills.‘' The idea was novel itnd the public caught on. Rising Sun Stove Polish has been kept before the public for years througli persistent, and soraetiraes expensive advertisiug. Twenty odd years ago the raanufacturers of this polish started half a dozon meu across the orniment to paiut signs ion rocks aiui fences. The Aermotor Co., of Ohicago bave increased its sales more than five hundred per cent iu two years by the use of printers iuk. We beheve we have been instrnmental in incrfaūng the s tles of the Aemotor 1 y keepingeverlastingly at it in Hi. w iii. j We do uot wish to say tbat advertisiug will sell any raanufictured articie; there is no ose spendiug money in advertising "eheap and nusty’* goorls because the peopie will not be hoodwinked. If Havil.md Ohina was 1 not the superior article it is, all our advertising of it woukl not have sold the thoasandsof pieces that we have. Wo simply eall the attention of tho people to it and its superior quality is apparent to the customer direotly a pieee of it is exarained. Printers ink has helped the sale of the Jarae« LockeJ Fence but i it wo ild not bavo donesso if i’t had beon as llitusy as the or dinay wiro fence. First; the economy there is in building it recoramends it to the plantation munager aud then its durability clinches tho the sale If the stays and washerscost as mneh as an ordinary ! redwood post our sales of the material would not have reached such enormons pfoporlions. Our average sale of the Pansy Iron Stove is about two a dav the year round. If was uot the bast iron stove on the market wa woukl not sell that manv m six months. Advertising is the tip t"> tho pnbl:c the good poiuts in thearticle sells it ju-t as tbe gfKxi qualities of tho Fiscber Hteel Kango make it a desirable article f<»r people who wish toeconoraise in the nse of fuel. We buy onlv what has proven good after people in the United S>tiiles or Europe bave given it a trial; we profit by their experince if the articles are goood we buv and sell tbem; if they are poor we bteer clear of them. Wheu we »‘lv«rtise an article it is to att tract attention to 1 1; the newspaper ; s the button we push, the salesman does the rest. Pcrsisteot advertising coupied with the artic!e being a snperior one has sold thousands of tbe Frank Waicot Emory F»Je. If it j had been no better th«n an ordinarv 8cytha stone we probably woulu not have sold twenty. When a man finda out tbat bis table knives raay be keptsharp at all times at au expen.se of nfty cents and a ver>' Iittie elhow grease be is qnite williog to try tbe expenment Tls Hawnia Hartfare £1 307 Fort 8fcreet