Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 147, 25 Iune 1894 — HAWAIIAN HARDWARE COMP'Y [ARTICLE]
Tbe Ailvert>ser who catches a persons eye usually wins a customer. Many iiirterent stylea of a»lvertising have been adopted and witb more or less sacoess, by the believers in tbe use of printers īnk. The mannfaotnrers of Pears Soap. for instance. occasion allv bnv paintiugs that liave been on exhibition in the Pari's Salon aud have iitbograpbs made from them for the pnrpose of bringing tbeir pr->d ict before the j>eople. In addition to soch side issnes, Pear‘sj>ends hundreils tbonsands of dollars annaalty among the newspaj>ers and magazines. Someyears ago the Agents of certain articlo on s;ile in New York made a hit in advertising by baving on Broadway during bnsiness hours two fatluessly dressed Negroes wearing very high collars, on the backs of whieh was jirinted "Use Smiths P»lls." Tlie idea was novel and the j>nblic caught on. liising Sun Stove Polish has been kej>t before tbe j>ublic for years throngh persisteut, and sometimes expen?ive f advertising. Twenty o<ld years ago the inanafactnrers of this polish started half a dozen men across the omimeul to pamt >igns on rocks and fencos. The Aermotor Co., of Chicago have increased its salos more than five hundred jier cent in two years hy tho use of printers iuk. AVe beheve we have been instmmontal in increasing tlie siles of the Aeinotor by keej>ing overlHstingly at it iu liawaii. AVo do uot w»sh to say that advertising will soll auy manufactured artiele; tliero is no nso sj>onding mooey in advertising ••eheap nnd uasty” goods l>ecafise the i>euj)le will not bo hoodwinked. If Havii.md Ohina waa not the superior aiiiole it is, all onr advertisiog of it would not have sold tlio tbousandsof pieeea that we bave. We simply eall the attentiuu of the people to it and its superior quality is apparent to the custoiner directiy a pieee of it is examined. Priuters iuk bas helpeil the sale • of the Jaines Locked Fenco but i it wo ild not h »ve dones so i{ it had been as fiimsy as the or dinay wire fence. First; the economy there is in linilding it recommends it to the i>lautatiou muuager and then its aurability elinehea tho the sale If the staya and washl erscost as mueh as ao ordiaarv redwood post our sales of the m«terial would not have reached sucb euormous proportions. Our average sale of the Pansy Iron Stove is about two a day the year round If was uot the | best iron stove on the raarket we wonhl not sell that many in six ; months. Advertising is the tip to the pnhl’.e tbe good j>oints in j the\rticle seils it jnst as the gootl i qnalities of the Fischer Steel Kange make it a desirable article [<>r people who wish toeconomi.se iu tho nsu of fuel. AA e buy only what has proven gootl after j>eople in the United States or Euroj>e have given it a i trial, we profit by their experinco if the artieles are goood we bay ' and sell them; if thev are poor we stoer clear of thera. When we adrerti.se an article it is to at1 tract attentiuo to it; the news- ; j»aj>er ; s the button we pnsh, the i salesman does tbe rest. Persistent advertising conpled i the articte being a suj>trrior j one has sold thonsands of the i Frunk Walcot Emory FiJe. If it i had been no better 'than un or- ■ scythe stone we probablv would not hare sold twenty. M hen a man finds onl that his table knives may be keptsharp at all times at an expense of fifty cents and a rery liUie elbow grease be is qnite willing to trr the expenment. Tle HanHa Bakr an d. 307 Fort Street