Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 147, 25 June 1894 — A Wreckmg Boat. [ARTICLE]

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A Wreckmg Boat.

Captaiu V'uj. Davi©s one of | our best-knowu skippers bas bougbt the Waimanalo on bebalf of a Company witb tbe inteutiou of fitting ber as a wrecking boat. lt is to he boped tbat Captain Duvies wiil succeed iu his euterprise. A long-felt waut will be filled by such a scbeme The togboat is B ow °9«d in assistiug wrecking vessels, but tbe use of n tug boat should not be in thut Uue A tug boat is supposwed to be in readiness at all hours to bring vessels iuto tbe barb r and it is obvious thut nsing ber as a wrecking boat in terferes with ber legitimute bosiness. Captain j Davies bopes to have bis boat in shape ver.v shortly. His wellknown experience and knowledge of tbe coasts of ihe ditferent islaods will eniiile him | to the confidence «nd support of everybody who is io the shipping ' bosiness.