Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 147, 25 June 1894 — The Annual Exhibition. [ARTICLE]

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The Annual Exhibition.

Tlie school year is ended. The different institutions have finished their annual work, and another 1 b itoh of yonng people goes out into life to figlit and strnggle for 1 themselves, and to uti!ize the | stores of inforuiation gained in tfieir sch(H»l days. On next Wednesdav the Kamehameha schools j will hold their annual exercises, 1 | and on Thursday at Kawaiahao churcb, thesc'ho!arsof thatprominent school will give an exhibition of the wisdom and knowledge, theoretically ;*ud practical- ; ly, obtnined by them thronghthe past years. Everybody interested in the progress of the Mawaiian race sbould be present.and judge for themseivesof the giantstrides whieh our young meu are taking 1 iu tbe path of civilization. The Kamehameha schools have im ptoved immensely since tbe pre- ! seut principal took charge, and | the schools today are an honor and pride to Hawaii. The untiring efforts of Mr. Samuel Damon, 1 who virtually is the “boss” of the eoneem should not be forgotten; l 1 tbe dem«mstrated good results, ] aml the future prosjHjrity of the boys are the best reward wished ! f r by him as the agent of the : deceasetl benefactress of the Ma- ! waiiau race, and her absent but i equally benevolent husband.