Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 147, 25 June 1894 — A Word to the Wise. [ARTICLE]
A Word to the Wise.
The leading Chinese residents in Honolala have issned circulars to their couotrymen on the other islands urging tbem to keep the |>eace for the present. and not to re«ort to any desperate measures on aeeounl of the discriminatmg provisions in the new constitution. The directors of the Chin< se societies are to be eomplimented on the discreet stand t tken by them. and it is to be boj>ed that the framers of the new constitntion will realize the difficnlty under whieh the conntnwill be j)laced by indnlging in further class legislation. The patience even of a Chinaman may be exhausted. and where will we be tben? If the rosult is to be a riot ou the other islands. bnrning of mills and canefield, and a gen- | eral war ag.ūnst the “reddevils,” ! who is hore to protect them? Under present c'rcnmstances the “Repnblic” ean hardly look for sueeor to the Hawaiians aud tbeir friends.