Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 147, 25 June 1894 — Untitled [ARTICLE]
The uiinstre5 «how by the i Ohampion boys la««t S *tordny for the beoefit of the Britisb Benevo- ! lent Soc ety was very good. The amlieuoe was not as lar<ie as 1 eouhl have been ex5»ected but those who were there enjoyed the ( performance thor oghly. I «. _ | Several corresp<imlents to A:uerioan newspapers visited Pearl | Harbor in the yacht r+awaii last ; j Satnrdar. The party staid over 1 nigbt at the residence of Mr. J. | F. Colburn and retnrned yester- I day afternoon. They are all lomi : in their praisasof the magnificent harbor and the scenen* presented | bj a trip into the wonderfnl lagoon.