Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 147, 25 Iune 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
l-OST. A FOX TEKIUER B1TCH, answering to tbe imme o{ '‘Fatc*h. ’ A reward will be paid for her recovery at the Ancbor Sa!oon, corner of Nuuanu and Kiog stroets. !Mortgaore'is >sotice of Intention to K , orclose anel of Sale. In aooonlanoe with the prorision5 of cerUiu Morttj*ge, made by KAAIAKAI.A .k > of Pu«n«ku, Hilo. H.iwau, to E. G. HitcLeoek, dated Aagnst 16, 1890, recorded in Liber l‘J6 on paers 2n6 aud 258 and daly usigued to Kini K&naeholo, dated October 9. 1801, reoorded in Liber 126 on p*ge 257. Nottce is h«reby giren that the mortgage intecds to foreciose the same for eonditiun brokeu to writ: nonp«yment of pnneipai and interest nonoe u hkewise giren that after the expiratioa oi three weeka hom the date of tius notice. the propertv conreyed by said morlgag» will be adTenued for aale at puhiie anction at Hilo Conrt Honae on 8etnrday the U day of Jnly, 1894. at 12 noon of said Aay. Fnrther p*rticnlars ean be bad of Kinaey M. Koohoo attonwy at law. Dated, Hiio. Jane 18th, I8M. Terms Ca»h. Dccds at tbe eipenae of pnrchaaer. KISI KAXAF.BOLO. Tbe premises corered by enid mortgage ccnsists oi, The nndirided intrest is tbe lacd desenhed in BoyaI Patent Nnmber 1028 and mom particalar!y desoribed in deed trom 1fftiikrlekahi to Kaaikala mad»4thdaTof P(tnoy, A. D. 1880, reoorded a 1A» 1X7 oa pagas 40 aad 41.