Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 147, 25 June 1894 — HAWAII’S “BLUE” LAWS [ARTICLE]

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C0NST!TITI0N am! LAWS Framod bv tlie Missionaries. % LAWS of the HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. If auy j>arent have five, six, or more children, whom they supjH>rt, neither of tbem being separated from tbe family, or if sorae do live separate from tbe rest. and five or six more remain, tbeu tboso jiareuts sball by uo means be re qnired to pay any jx>ll, land, or labor tax until their children are old enoogb to work, whieh is at fourteen years of age. Tben, for tbree years tbe boy shall pay a fonrth of a dollar j>er year —the 17tb and I8th years he sball j>ay half a dol!ar. After tbe 18th year be ahall tben for two yearspay tbree fourtbs of a dollar, and after he is twenty be is tbou an adult. Tbo same rate shall bo observed iu relation to girls, tbey beiug adults when tbey arrive at lwenty years of a g e - The burden of j->arents who bave numerous families raay be furtber relieved, and tbeir circumstances be rendered more pleasaut, bv increasiug the size cf tbe f.irms. Fnrtbermore, wbenever a single individnal haa a large nnmber of invalids living in bis boase, amounting to as manv as four, be sball tben inform the tax officers thereof, aud if he j)erceive tbat tlie man is really bnrdened, then bo sball neitb« r go to the jmblic labor of tbo King nor to tbat «>f tbe landlords. He sb.»Il t.»ke good c »ro of tbem, and tbo amouni of his land shall be increased in order tbat tbey may be snpplied with food; aml on tho year when tho poll tax is a dollar be sball pay b«t half a dollar, and when tho tax is half a dollar be sball pay nothing until some of tbe invalids are gone au<i he is relieved. l’hon be shall j>āy taxes and go to the puhlie labor also, provided be is whoily relieved. And bero is a word of advice for industrious landholders, tenauts, landloads, sub teuants, senrants of chiefs. j>ersons baving no land, and vagrants. According to this book it is best to bave one, aml one only fixed business, and to eng ige in it witb high hoj>es in Him who ai»ls us bv the rain froiu Heaven. Sucb a course wouldb©a benefit to all who Iive aiul labor in our kingdom. ō. Kespecting Idlers. As for tbe idler, let the industrions put him to shame, aud sound bis name from one end of the couutry to tho otber. And even if tbey should witbold food on account of his i»l!eness, tbere shall be no condomnation for tbose who tbus treat i»llers. If a landlord, or a cbief sbould give entertaiument to sucb a slnggard, be would thereby bring shame on the industrious. For three months the tenants of him Who tbns enter tains tbe slnggard shall be freed from Iabor f<>r tbeir landlord. Sucb is the punishmcnt of him who befrien«ls tho sloggard. Let him obtain bis food by Iabor. 6. Respecting Applicatious for Farms, Forsakingof Farms, Dispossessingof Farras,and the Management of Farms. No man living on a farm wbose name is recorded by bis landlonl. sball withont eauee desert the laml of bis Iandlord. Nor shall the Iandlord canselessly disj>oss»<ss bis tenant. Tbese are crimes in tbe eyes of tbe law. If «ny j>ortion of the good land be overgrown witb weeds, and tbe landlord seo tbat it continno tbus after a year and six months from tbe circulation of tbis law of taxation, then the j>erson whose dnty it is shall put that plaee whieh he j>ermitted to grow up with weeds under a good state of cnltivation, aud tben leave it to bis Iandlord. Tbissball be tbe |>en«lty for all in every p!ace who pormit the land to be overrnn witb weeds. The same rn!e sball appiy to sub landlords and snb-tenants. But if any man beiug in straitened circnmstances, wish to !eave his farm, or if be bave basiness in anotber plaee, this is tbe coar.se he sball parsue. He sbali first give notice to bis landlord, &nd baving informed bim, be sball tben pat tbe f&rm in &s good a state as be foand it, after whieh be m*y le&ve it. L&ndlords, oppress not your tenaats; eomlemn tbem not withoat & caase while tbey continae to do well. lf & l&nd sgent do tbas to bis tenants, &od dispossess them withoat « eiime on their p&rt, be sball pay a fatbom swine to bis tenant, and the tenant shali not be dispossesHed.—Wberefore, ye landlords. land agents, and sab landlords, do not tbas to yonr sab-tenants— tak© not caaselessly from tbem tbe prodocts o( their lands, nor their domestic animals, nor &ny other aiiiele whieh is not given yoa. All the avails of yoar own vorking dsys are yoars. There is no j>enslty for tbe !andlords who eonhne tbemselres to that right