Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 147, 25 June 1894 — The Maui Races. [ARTICLE]

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The Maui Races.

The Hoaololu races ou ihe llth { of Jane, were a great soccess in spite of dtfficalties that at one time seetned to be insurmountable Tbe Maui races bas bad less difficulties to contest vritb, and tbey will be of even more interest to tbe pnblic. We priut tbe entries of borses in today’s issne. lt is to be greatly regretted tbat the Inter- : lsland steamers have been unable to arrango for an excursion boat, tbereby preventing a large number of Honolulu people from being present. Tbe 1\ iUler S. S. I Co. did all tbey eonkl to aeeomodate the public, bnt it was impossib!e for tbem to connect witb tbe Inter-lsland S. S Company’s boat, and mako it possible for eventual visitors to make a flying trip The Maui people will have to enjoy tbe races among themselves,and webave no doubt that I they will make a success of it. The trottiug races woukl bave 1 been especially noteworthy if ' not an accidt nt bad happened last Friday whieh will prevent | Jobnny Hayward from sturting. The race in wliieh be was entered will be a good oue anybow but the iuterest woukl bave been ver\’ mneh enhauced if the great 2.27 borse hul appeared agūnt Bert Lee, Nevada and Silky. Tbe usual accomodatious for whieh the Maui. Jockey Club i is famons will be furuished to Honolnlu guests but it will be uccessan - for any visitor to pro- ’ pare bimself for-a three days stay uuder tbe shades of HaleaI kala. Tbe following are the official entries: lst Kaee i mile dash. Wiufield, Sarab H. 2ud. Bace J mile dasb. Oregou Boy, Lolokalani, Oscarious. 3rd. Trotting and Pacing. Johnny liayward, Charlie S., Silkv, Nevada. 4tb. Pony race. Hot Sturi’, MiJnight. otb. Rtce i mile beats. Lolokalanī,-Windfield. 6tb. Kaee mi!e dasb. Oscnrions, Amarino 7tb.Gentlemen's Kaee 1 miledasb Wiufield,Qneen L, Spec, Black Dimond, Billy C. 8tb. Kaee 2:40 Class. Jack, Little Jobn, Bert Lee. 9th. Kaee 1 miie dasb. Amarino, Sarab H.