Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 147, 25 June 1894 — LOCAL NOTES. [ARTICLE]
A fox- terrier has been lost. The Convention was in sesēiom tod ay. Tbe Arawa leaves at 10 p. m. for Australia. The Mechanics Union will meet on Wednesday evening at 8 o’eloek. The schooner Transit arrived yesterday and bronght one day’s later news. The Kamehameha schools will close next Wednesday for vacation Exercises will be held thut day. There are five Germau men ofwar at Samoa. The prospects are that the island will be annexcd. The “dam of lao” is in town ngain and ready to open his sluices of e’ o ;nence at the eonveutiou The Ar*wa arrived in port a little before noon, seven days out from Brittish Columbiii. She brings no uews of iraportiince. Captain .Tulius Palmer Jr. in the Bonton Tran*cript advises Mr. Dolo and tlie royalist to comproraise and make Kaiulani Queeo with Dolo as rogeut. Johnny Hayward, the famons trotter belonging to Mr. W. H. Cornwell, lius been disabled and will not bo sent to Mani for tbe Kaliului races. There were sever.il excursions vesterday to tiie suburbs and a numher of peoplo enjoyed the fresh air aud beautiful scenery aronud the Capital. Pi ices of ?50, 5=40, §20 and i;10 have beeu otlered by the Fourth of July Comīttea for the five buildiugs tlmt show the best decorations on tlie Fourth. Rev. Mr. Penfield is expected to arrive bere on the Mariposa to take chargo of tlie pulpit iu the CentrHl Uni>n Churcli. Mhy dnr t they get a {emale preacher? The P. O Bmd will give a coucert at tlie Hot«l grouuds this eveuing, for the eutertainment of the large uumber of tonrists going * througb on the Arawa. A lap-dog was lost on Saturday night lasl ular the Commercial Sh1oou— the fiiuler will receive a lihenl rewanl on ret ;rning the same to its owner. who lives op posite the above sa!oou. Seats for the Vandeville Company’s performance on the 4th of July sbould be secured now at L. J. Levey’s office. Those who •wait too long will I>e disappointed and miss the best show ever seen here. The party of ‘ fisbermen’’ who went to the “happy bnuting grounds” on the steamer J. A. Cummins last Saturday, weie rery iortuuate. Enough fish was , caaght to make an excellent chowder—and a sbark was nearly captured. V ofortonately the line gave way, and tbe ‘'8carenger of the oeean” escaped. Jt is notewortby that it was a seven foot >hark while biting, bnt after esc»piag ke became seventeen feet long; what be will be in a day or two is a matter of eonjectnre.