Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 146, 23 June 1894 — Hawaiian Hardware Company [ARTICLE]
Hawaiian Hardware Company
The Ailvertiser who catches a persou> eye u>ually win> a costooier. Many dirterent stylee of ailvertising have been aJopted and witb more or less success, by the believers in the ose of printers ink. The uiHnafacturers of Pears So«p, for instance. occasion ally bny paintings that have l>eēn on exhibition in the Pari’s Salon and have lithographs made from them for the purpose of bringing their pr.xluct before the people. In addition to snch side issues, Pear’spends huudreils thousands of do!lars annually among the newspapers and niagazines. Some years ago the Agents of certain article on sale in New York made a hit in advertising by having on Broadway dnring business honrs two fatluessly dressed Negroeswearingvery high collars. on the backs of whieh was prin* ted “Use Siniths Pills.“ The idea was novel aud the puhlie c.mght on. Rising Sun Stove Polish bas been kept before the puhlie for years tliroug!i persistent, and soraetimes expoiisive advertising. Twenty odd years ago the mannfactarers of this polish started half a dozen men acrossthe omi'iienl to paint signs on rocks and feaces. The Aermotor Co., of Chicago have increased its sales inore tiiau five bundred per cent in two years bv the use of printers ink. We believe we have been instrumental in increasing tho sdes of the Aemotor by keepingeverlastinglv at it in Hawaii. We do uot wish to say that advertismg will sell auy manafuctured article; there is no use spending inoney in advertising •eheap and nasty’’ goo<.ls becanse the peoplo will not be hoodwinked. lf Haviland Oliiua was not the superior article it is, all onr advertising of it would not have sold the thonsandsof pieces that wo have. Wo siinply eall tlie atteutiou of the peopie to it and its suporior quality is apparent to tho customer directly a pieee of it is ex:imined. Printors mk has helpe<l the sale of the Jame« Locked Fence but it would not h »ve dones so if it had been as dimsy as the or dinay wire fence. First; the economv thero is in building it recommemls it to the p!antation manager aml then its durability ciinches the the sale If tho stays and washers cost as inneh as an Ordinarv redwood post our sales of the material would not have reached snch enormous proportions. Our average salo of the Pansy Iron Stove is abont two a day the year round. If was not the best iron stove on tho market wo wouhl not sell that manv m six tuonths. Advertising is tho tip ta the pnbl:c the good poinLs in the article sells it just as tho good •pialities of the Fischer Steel Kange niake it a de.sirable article fi»r people who wish toeconomise in the nse of fnel. Me buy only what has proven goo<l after people in the United States or Lueope have given it a trial; we profit by their ox|>erince if the articles are goood we bov and sell them; if tbey are poor we steer clear of them. Wheu j we adverti.se an article it is to attract attention to it; the newspaper : s the botton we push, the salesman does the rest. Persisteot advertisiug conpled with the article beiog a superior ono has sold thoosands of the i Frani Walcot Emory File. If it | had been no better ' than an ordioinr scytha stono wo prob«blv woakl not bave sold twentv. W hen a man finds oot that his table kmves may be keptsharp at all times at an expeose of fiftv eenU and a ven' lim e e lbow grea.se he w qmte willine to trv tbe expenment 3 Ti8 HaiaLii Har$?are Ca.t Fort Street