Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 146, 23 June 1894 — DUPLICATE WHIST! [ARTICLE]

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The Adopted Code. At the reqnest of a nanaber of loeal whist players, we devote some space to poblish the code for dnplicate whist whichl"was adopted by the American W'hist. Leagne at i$s Congress in'Philadelphia last month. It goes iuto etfect siity days from the 2ōth of May. Duplicate Whist is governed bv the laws of whist, except in so far as they aie mOilified by the fol'owing special laws: THE OA.ME AND THE SCOIiE. Law A —A game or match eonsists of any agreed nnmber of deals, eaeh of whieh is played onee only by eaeh player. The coutesting teams mnst be of the same number, but may eaeh consist cf any agreed num- i ber of pairs. one half o< whieh, \ or as ne ir tliereto as possible. sit north and south, the other hal£ east and west. Everv trick taken is scored, and the match is deterrained by a comparison of the aggregate scores wen bv the competing teums. 1 n e ise the teams cousist of hii odd unmber of pairs, eaeh team, iu making up such aggregate, adds, as though won by it. the average score of all the pairs seated in the positions opposito to its odd pair. E.ieh side keeps its own score, and it is the duty of the north and south players at eaeh table to compare tliescoi*es there made and see th.it they correspond. Io case they fail to perform tbis duty the east and west scores are taken as correct and the nortb and south scores made to corres pond thereto. In a match between two teams the tearn whieh wins a majority of all the tricks scores the match as wou bv that uumber of tricks i whieh it has taken in excess of one-balf the total. In a matcb between more than two teams eaeh team wins or loses, as the case raav be, by the ■ nmnber of tricks whieh its aggregate score exceeds or falls short of the average score of all of the competiug teauis. lu tikiug averiges fractions are disreg«rded and the uearest whole number is taken, one half countmg as a whole. unless it is necessary to take the fraction into account to avoid a tie, in whieh case the match is scored as won by the fraction of a triek. FORMINft THE TABLE Law D -Tables may be formed by cuttiug or by agieemeut, lu table duplicate’ if the table are fonrifd by cntting. the four having the preferenea pl»y at one table and the next four at the other. The highest two at oue tabl- are partners with tbe lowest two at the other. The faighest two at eaeh table sit north aiui sonth, the Iowest two ea<t and west. I.aw C —The deal is never lost in case of a misdeal orof ei; osure > f a card during the deal, tbe cards must be redeal d by t le same player. THE TBCMI' CABD. Law D—The trump card n>ust recorded before the play begins oo a slip provided for tbat purpose. When tbe deal bas keen played tbe slip on whieh the trump card bas been recorded most be placed by the dealer on i | tbe top of his cards. but the | trump card must not be again

tornei,I nntill tbe hands *re taken up for the porpose of overplaving them. at whieh time it must be turned and left face upwanl on the table until it is the dealer‘s turn to play (b the first trick. The slip on whieh the trump card is recorded must be tnrneil face downwnrd as soon as the trump card is takeu upby the deal. IRBtC.rLABITIE> L\ THK H*SPS Law—If a pla\ers is foand to have either more or less than his correct number of cards, the course to be pursued is determined bv the time at whieh the irregularity is disoovered. I. Where the irregularity is discovered before or during the original play of a band, theie must be a new deal. II. Where the irregalarity is discovered when the hand is taken up for overplay, and before snoh overplay lias begun, the band iu whieh the irregularity is so discovered mnst be sent back to the table frora whieh it was last received and tbe error there be reticified. III. Where sach irregularity is not discovered until after the ovorplay has began: In two-table duplicatu tbere must be a new deal; but in a garae in whieh the sume hands are played at more than two tables, tlie hands must be recti fied as above and then passed to tbe «ext tuble without overplay at tbe table at whieh the error was discovered, iu whieh oase, if a player had a deficiency and his adversary the corresponding surplus, eaeh team takes the average score f>>r tbat deal; if, however, his had tbe correspondiug surplus, liis teara is given tbe Iowest score inade at auy table for that deal. PLAYING THE CAUDS. Law F—Eaeh player, when it is his tnrn to play, mnst plaee his card face upward before him and toward the center of the table and allow it to remain upon the table in tliis position uutil ali have played to the trick, when he mnst turn it over and plaee it face downward and uearer to himself, placing eaeh successive cards as he toms it, on top of the last card previoosly turned by him. After he hus played his card aud also after he has turned it he ranst qoit it by removing his hand. A trick is turned and quitted when all four players have turned and quitted their respective cards. Tbe c«rds must be left in the order in whieh they were pluyvd nntil the scores for the deal are recordtd CLAMING A REVOKE. Law G —A iwoke may be c!aimed at any time before the last trick of Uie deal in whieh it occurs hus been turned and qnitted aud the scores of that deal recorded, but not thereafter.