Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 146, 23 Iune 1894 — Sale of the Waimanalo. [ARTICLE]
Sale of the Waimanalo.
A l>«ge crowd assembled «t n<>ou at the Fish Market, where the steamer Wnimanalo was so!d iu pursnance of an orderof court. It wil! be rememl>ered tbat the st* amer recent v was wrecked near Moknleia, an<l a big lawsuit between tlie owuers and Iusuranee Companits was ihe re?»alt. The sttamer was s<>ld for $1(X>0 to W. K Cast e. trustee. Cup'aiu Wm Davies bid f* r Mr. Castle. James Murgan witlded the hammer. Tbe prioe is consideretl fair , in view < f the couditiou of ti.e vessel —