Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 146, 23 June 1894 — Then and Now. [ARTICLE]
Then and Now.
Chas. L. Cartor, in the I\C.A>1 - Nov. 17th, iu a letter, on the Pearl Harbor session. spe»king of State Sovereigntv, says. “this qnality of »overeignty is indivisible —it is always a unit. It would be im* j>oasible for our government to give the Cnited States any rights m Pearl Harbor w„ich would tend to divide this sovereignty whieh is at present absolutely ours;‘again, ,, thatourgovernment ean give the 1 nited States uo . rights in Pearl Harbor whieh wouKl interfere with our sover•ignty” (none have or will ba givenl; concluding he saya, *‘and trnsting, as I cannot help doing, ' »hat the stars and stripes, whieh aever yet waved orer a defeated aalion, will be sufficient to pro- * tect such of us and our property ; aa niay be within reach of the eannon of any bullying belliger-, ni." 1