Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 146, 23 June 1894 — Don't Worry. [ARTICLE]
Don't Worry.
The Adverti*er is worried bejanse, the Constitutional Govarnment of Hawaii Joes not propose to accopt any assnrances !rom Minister Willia, or Hatch, to the effect that President Cleveland bas abandone<l his declared policj, has buried his lofty principles and has left the Hawaiians to fight their own battle. All thatithe loyal citizens of Hawaii know is that the Presideut of the United Statesexactly six raonths ago publicly told tho world through his message to Congress that “by an act of wnr, sommitted with the participation of a diplomatic representative of ehe l'nited States and without authority of Congress, the governaiont of a feeble but friendly and eonfiding people has been o<erthrown. A substantial wrong has thus been done whieh a due regnrd for our ualionnl character %s well ns the riglits of the injured peoplo, requires wo should endeavor to repair.” It wouhl be an insult to the United States and to Grovor Cleveland to l>elieve for a niomeul tlmt the adrainistration of th »t great Ropublic would jeopardize its “uational character,” aud the bonor t( its governraent by refusing “to repair the substantial wrong done,” as Minister Willia desires us to believe, M heu the I’resilent of tho UuiteJ States through his Secretray of St»te, and through his ropresentatives hare inforras thecoustituticn il goveru-. mont that he has beeu corapelled to abandou his po!icy. and is preventod by circumstances to “repair the substantial wrong done." thon aud only theu will we believe in the infaray of Araorica. If Minister Willis has 5efused to recoive the all<*ged jonu>junication from tho Queen ho has prob.ibly mile auofherof tho errors not unoomai >n to Ameiiean “diplomats.” lf such ,a eommuniealion exists it will “get there” all the sarae.