Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 146, 23 June 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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BRUGE GARTWRiCHT Bcsine«i> of a F nciary Xatnre Trensacted. Prompt attentj ''■ giren to tbe mi$(Hgement of EsUtes, Ō o.aidūnahipa, TrnaU, etc., etc., etc. Ojfuxs, : Ca iv.T%ght Builciiruj, Merchant Sire*»t, Honolnla M. L()SE, >Totai*v l J ublic. Colkctor and Gencral Bnsiness A<jenf, Patentee of Lose’s Cheuical Compound for Clarij'ying Cane Ju%ce '. \ Sub-Agent for stveiāl of ihe Best FIRE IN8URANCE COS. ■ Mutual ’l’elephone a. P. O. Box 33S. Merchant »treet. Honolnln. FAT BOY.” 8AY 8AL00N ! P. McISETtyT, 1 KoeKlEīon, Fine Liquors. Winss and Beer. Cornee Bethel asd Hotel Sts. LEWIS & C0. Whoiesaie and Retail Gro AND PEOYISION DEALERS. FRESR CALIFORNIA 8ALM0N ONICE By Every 8an Francisco 8teamer. Salt SalmoN in Barbels a Spectaltt. iii Fort Si., Honolulu. Tel. 240 . P O. Box 207-Anchor-:-Sa!oon Ex “AUSTRALIA.” Another Invoice of the Worlc! Renowned FREDERICKSBURG I LAGER BEER On ilranght aud tbe keg. A1s»3, as a Specialty, Small Fresh California I 0YSTERS, Ifor cocktalils raayl 3ms M!erchant Exchano;e Corner King ana Nanann Streets. S. I. SHA\V....Mana^er. , The Finest se*ection of LIQUORS and BEKR. sold anywhere in the tovn. First-cla>« attendanoe. CaD and jadge | for yoarsēii. no i 13-tf. — PACIFIC SAL00N, Corner Klng and Kauann Stzeets. EDW. WOLTER... .Man*ger. The Ftnest aeieeoon of LIQUOBS and ! BEKB, aoid anyvbere in tfa» to»n. Fn*t-da« iHwHan. CaD *nd jndge j toyoatseif. no 90-tf.