Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 146, 23 June 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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HOLOMU^, IS PCBLISHED Everv Afteraoon EXCEPT SCXDAI BT THE Holomua PublisMag Co. At King St. (Thotnas block), Honolulo. H. I. STJBSCBI?TI027. per2£onth, 50Cts. The p«p«r is deliver«l hy C»rri*n in the town «£d «nbnrbs. b*to »t the NeW' Oealen» *nd at the Office ot pnblication. EDMUHD N0RRIE. - - Editor GēORGE E. SMITHIES ■ Manager notice. All Bnttines8 Commuric»tioM Hhould be «d<lresse-l to George E Smithies HonoInln, H. I. COrresponcienee an.l Comranniefttion8 tor poblicfttion should 1« ua<lressed th«Effitor Hawaii Holomna. No nonoe vrill be paid to »uy anonpmona commnnications. Business Cards A. P. PETERSON, attokney at law. Offlce: 113 Kftfthumann Strett, Honolulu Hawaiian I»iands. CHARLES CREIGHTON, attorney at law. Office: 113 Knahnmanu Street, Honolnln Hawaiiau I»lands. PAI L NEUMANN, ATTORNEY AT LAW. 314 Merchant Street, Honolulu. Mntaal Telephone 415. CLARENCE W. ASHFORD, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. • Office. 01d Capitol Bnilding, (Honolnln H*le), «<ljoining Poat Office, Uonolnln. JOHN LOTA KAULUKOU, attobnev at law, Office, oorner King «fc Bcthel Sts. A. ROSA, ATTORNEY AT LAW, No. 15 Kaahumann St.. Honolulo, Hawaiian islands. M. H, LOHEIDE, BIGN AND 0HNAMENTAL PA1NTKR£Hawaiian H»nlware Co.] All oniers promptly attendeii to. THOMAS LINDSAY Mannfaduring Jeu*l*r and Waichmaker, ilelaemp Block. 405 Fort, Stx. Hooolniu LEWIS J. LEYEY, Beal Estate and General Auctioneer. Oorosr_Tort »nd Qnecn str*eta, Honolnln Personal attention given to Sales of Fnrnitare, Beal Estate. Stook and General Merchandise. Mninal ToM>oa* *»