Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 146, 23 June 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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AUCTIOX SALE 0F Land&Buildings AT KALIHI. On Thursday, • June 28, At l‘i Noon, at Sal«rooin. I will Se : l at PuWie Anction, AU That Certain Oaliu COMPRISING 71-100 t)F AN ACRK. (Beinsr Lot 10 of the Keaweamahi Lots. a? de?cribed in Plan of S. M, Kaankai), a part < >f L. C. A. 6150, Apana 1, to Kaunnohua. aml heine the Pieee of Land Conveyed to Moeea j K. Awailua and Maiiana. his wife, by deed oi i Keaweam.ihi, recorded in Liber 07. paire* and 4<i9, to}rether \VITU THE HOL'SE aM) BUILDINGS THEREON. J. F. nOK«ii\. ju‘2.‘{ Auctioneer. FEED STUFFS To Arrive Per ss. Arawa, \VASHIXGTON 0ATS! 400 B ’gs. \\ashin?toD Rolled Barlev. t 7 1.000 Bags. \VASHI\GT0.\ BRA\. 500 B 'gs. At Lowe8t Trale Frice3. L.*KGE STOUK OF Groceries Always on Hand — AT — THE0. H. DAVIES & C0. jn21-lw otice of lnteiition to lforolose and of Sale. In aoeonlanee with the pr)ri>ions of certain Mortgage, made by K AAIAKA.LA ik) of Paeopaku, Hilo, Hawaii, to E. G. Hitcheoek, «tatcd Angnst 16. 1S90, recorded in Liber 126 on pwge« 256 and 2.»S and dnlr aasigned to Kini Kanaeholo, dated October 9. IS91, rec>jnied in liber 126 on page 257. Notic« is bereby giren thal the mortgage intenda to foredose the same for conditi. u» heoken to wri$: nonp*yment of pnneipal and interes» notioe is hkewiae given that after the eipimlkm of three week» frum tbe date of this notice, the propertr conveyed by aaid mortgage will be adrert»aed for aalo at poWie anctk>n a* Hilr Conrt Hoase on Satnrday the 14 day of July, 1994, at 12 noon of aaid Aay. Fnrtber particular? ean he bad of Kinn«y M. Koahoa attorney at law. Dated, Hilo, june I8th. 1994. Tenns Ca«h. Deeds at tb« eipenae of pnrchaser. KISI KANAKHOLO. The premises corered by said mongage The aodivided intrest in the land de*cnbed in Boy«l Paleni Namber 1026 and morv particn ūriy describcd in deed from Eeliikekkahi to Kaaikala made 4th da y of Febraary, A. D. 1990, ieoorded in LiUr 127 oa pag«s 40 and 41.