Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 146, 23 June 1894 — HAWAII’S “ BLUE” LAWS [ARTICLE]
C0XSTITlTI0X aiul LAWS PiiuimhI bv tlie Missionaries. « LAWS of the HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. When puhlie labor is to be done of snch a nature as lo bo a eoiumon beuefit to King and people, and thereforo 12 days iu a mouth are devoted to labor, then all persons. whother counected with the Iand or uot, aud also all servanU shull go to the worfc or pay a fiue of half a dollar. Tbi>so also shall go who have been froed by the paymant of nine dollars a vear, and all who have been froed bv their mastera having paid a rial a day. Thev shall not go howover on tbe King’s dav, nor on tho landlord’s day, but merely on those days belonging to ihomselves. At the period when tho taxes are collected, according to the notice given by the tar ot!icers, during thoso days thero will bo no fiold labor requirod, ueither by the Kmg nor by the laudlords, nor until the tar otficers givo notice of tbu the same. The labor of the peoplo dunng those days will be to carry their taxes to tho plaee directed by tho tax otficers. 13ut all persons who aro sick aud those iu attendance on the sick shall on the examination of the tax oflicers be froe<l frora the fino for nou-attendance on the labor days. He that abSents himsolf without giving previous notico shall be fined half a dollar. He that gives prcvioas noliea sha!l pay but 25 cents. If auy man wish to be entirely freed from public labor, ho may go lo tho landlord and pay nino dollars, four and a half for the King aud four and a half for tbe land!ord, and theu the man shall beentirely free, and shall not bo required to go to the labor of tha King. nor to tbat of tho landlords. Tbose feeble old people who are freo<l frora the vearly tax shall also be freed from the public labor of tho landlords. Kiug and all kiuds of publīc labor. Let all t!iose who are called laudlonls and goveruor<, an<l tax otficers consider wtll what kiiuls of produce aro snited to eaeh particnlar land and to all tbe lands from ono end of the island to the otber. And they shall give special chargo on this subject to the teuanLs of their lands, so that they mav cnltivate exteasively all such articles as ahall be profitable. Tho I.mdlords shall derive the.r profit and frorn their own days only, and so also the King shall denve his profit and loss from his days only. And the j>eople sball derive their profit and Ioss from their days. I3ut the landlords shall strive to stimulate the j>eopIe to such kind.s of labor as sball be profitable to tho country. It is furtherraore specified that on all daysof labor, thore shall be two seasons of rost for the laborera; one at brcakfast time, the other at dinner, If ono sboald remain idlo while the rest are at work, his fine shall be two day’s work at some olher labor. But men shall not be fined unjustly, Those that are re«lly idle and lazy sball ba fined At three o’eloek the labor shall cease, an<l thcn if the j>eople wish to reraain and bear tbe reading of the laws. it shall bo at their option to do it or not. 4. Respecting Parents who have Namerons Families, and a!so Respecting the Infirm. Tho8e parents who have a nnmber of children. threo or more, and neither of the children snpportod by their friends, or if eome are tbus snpported and tbree remain. those parents sustain a heavy burden, and tberefore the fatber sball not go to the field on !abor days to work for the King, and they sfaall pay no poll tax on the year when the balf dollar is required, but on the year when the foll doliar is required, they shall p*y a balf tax. These are the rales for those having tbree chi!dren. But it shall not be proper for any man to adopt the chi!d of anotber for the pnrpose of aroiding the iabor tax. He may bowever, adopt tho children of his deceased re!atious and friends, when Ihe children are thns left orphans. lf any pareni have four cbildren, and neitber of tbcm adopted by aoother, then tbat parent sball not go to tbe pub!ic 3abor, neither for the King nor for tbe lan<Hords, nor shail they pay any poll tax.