Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 146, 23 Iune 1894 — LOCAL NOTES. [ARTICLE]
Captain Uoudlette Ieft a richer man today. Tbe band concert last night was well patronized. Tho p.g. band will play at Emma Square this afternoon. The Hawaiis andCrescents will play tbis afternoon. Who will beat ; H. M. Wbitney Jr., acts for W. M. Gitfard during tha latter’ absence. HasJndge Whiting yet made his mind up in the Advertiser contempt case ? Judge Cooper yesterday granted an alimony of ?20 a week to Mrs. Kenri McGrew. Cricket this afternoon at Makiki. A team from the Ohampion will measure strength with a loeal team. » I Captain Cochran of the Philadelphia and Mr. W.N. Armstrong w ill do tbe oration act o i the 4th of July. Duriug the absence of Messrs. Canavarro and Gitt’ard, Mr. F. A. Schaefer will act as Cousul for Portngal. A split in the Portugue.seeamp is ieported. They don’t like to be disfrai,chised under the ueu co’nstitntion. W. C. Aehi the well-knojvu lawyer and polhieian wascharged \vith embezzlement yesterdav by aChinese client. A party of gentlem n leave thie aftcrnoon on the yacht H»waii for Pe»rl H»»rbor, and will return to-m >rrow. H.»rry Swinton has not yet received the reward oti*ered for the capture of W. H, Aldrich. ihe poliee must be doing bnsiness in a very funny way. There aro prospects of a boat r.ice between the Myrtles and the . Heah«nis on the 4th. It is to be hoped that it will raaterializa and not as usual end in wiud Mr. F. M. Wakefield has goue to Hilo where he will bang out his shiugle. He thought there were Iawyersenongh iu ihi.s town. He will be missed in musical circles. — The Bishop Museum bas purchased some of the idols fouud on Necker island. Evidently the parties who found them d»dn’t cousider tbem government property. Tbe benefit for the Britisb Benevoleut Society by the Cbampion boys at the Upera House shou1d dran a large cmwd. The performaoce will be first elaaa and the object is highly des«rving. F. M. Hnsted has booght ont Bradford and Clay’s interest in a Hawaiian diyectory and will nndert«ke tbe work himself. Mr. Hustld left for San Francisco today where he will make the aecessary arrangements.