Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 144, 21 Iune 1894 — The Oahu College. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

The Oahu College.

Au excellent pr«)grirnme l)ns been arrauged for tonigbt’s eommenceinent exercises of Oalin ColIege whieh wili take plaee nt 7:30 at tbe Central L'nion Church. Alarge aoOienee will undoabtedlT listen to tbe words of learn ing and wisdbm, whieh will fa.ll {rom the lips of tbe yonng men and women who now s»y goodby to tbe college. The programme is as follows: Overture Esmeral«la . Herraann Hawaiian Orchestra. Iuvocation .Rev.C.M. Hyde,DD. 1. Tbe Earl of Bosebery, Ernest A. Koss 2. Tue Pnncess. .Helen A Afoog 3. The Progress of Jonrnalism. George T. Klnegel Song Glee Clnb 4. Trust.s and M<»nopolies, George R. Ewart, Jr. 5. Womau’e Mtssion . lnez Perry 6. Tue Problem of the City, Wilham L. Whitney Charily Rossini Girls’ Glee Club. 7. Mannal Training. Frank C. Atberton 8. The Rrotherbood of the Kaee Clarence H. Cooke 9. VaIedictory—The Spbinx, £ditb G. Eldredge. Serenade H. P. Main G!ee Club.