Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 144, 21 June 1894 — Female A gitators. [ARTICLE]

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Female A gitators.

A uarnber of women who have t«ken up the sutfrrtge 'ag:tation iuet a committee frora the eonvention yesterday. The u»aal argnments were re-b ishe<l an l finallv the m i jority of tbe eomraittee dee:ded tO recomraend a clau«e in the constitutiou whieh ruakes it ;>ossible for the legislature to estend the franchise to women. S » f.tr no barni hasbeen done. aud if th$ right of such Legislatore is vested more especiallv in the House of Kep presentatives. there are Iittle or no fear tbat the ladies e\er will be called upon to add loeal politics to the other “diversified” ; industries uow occupying their inteliect und time. lt is theref >re hardly necessary to take the raatter an *erieux, yet we feel inclined to point out a few of the peculiar errors whieh are eomiann to nearly all the agitators, for female sufirage a 11 over the world. One lady el iimed that taxation without representatiou, is as \vrong for woiueu as it is for men. We will admit that, for the sake of argnment, but iuust eall the lady s attentiou to that a uiale taxpayer, who b-.‘Comes a citizen and exercises his privileges as such iucur duties besides the privileges. He e.m be culled upon at any tinie to do militarv service. He ean be corapelIed to assist the poliee in aii emergency. !ie isob!iged to serve as a jnryman besides other duties. Now, the women \vonldn't ofcourse object to siton a jurv. lt wonld be a most de1 ghlful pistime and atford an initncasurable st >ck for high-tea-gossip. But wouKl or could they serve as soldiers or polieemen, or iu anv capncitv where ph ysical streugth is necessary. ; Ofcourse, the answer will bc, “e rtainly not, let the nasty men go aud do that kind of woik, that’s all they are good for ’ \dmitted, but then theequality between the sexes ceases, an<l if tliere are distinct funct ous to be observed and allotted to the different sexes. wby ohject to the male sex claiming politics as oue of the specialities of that sex. It is ceitain!y u<>t a ple>isant specialitv, and we mnst agree wit'i the Attoruey Gener.il that it is surprising that women want to get into a branch of a citizen's dut\ T , of whieh raost men w >uld like to get out. There eau be no partiality, no classification of duty between the ssxes if the women want to emaneipale themselves When women were udnntted to tbe Universities of Fraace and Germauy, thev nearly all chosed to study medicine. Jurisprudence and Theologie, bad no attraction, although far easier and far more becouiing to their sex. No, they wantod to ba doctors. Well. as l«jug as tbey simply had to go to the Uuivorsity and listen to the leotures oftheditferent Professors all went comparatively smoothly. tlu Zurich. lhorig'\, au edict h»d to be issued forbiddii g the male and feraale students waik togvtu*-r to aud from the Uaiver sity and to taU together during the lectare ) But the day c«me when the girls got tbrough with the prelimiuary stodies and had to visit the hospitals, and even the dissecting roo*ns. Some of the gave np their emancipation and vent home to reassume a little cooking and sewing and a great deal garden party, and bigh tea, but some

who were more determine<.l triei to *-W!illcw tbeir inborn modesttr and staid on. W.th all due respect to tfae medīeal fraternity they, as a ru!e. in their stodeut d.iys heeome somewbat "cynic«l and often rstfaer rnugh. For a eoaple of vonng gir!s to sUnd among tweuty or thhrty young fellows over the betl of some sick man with whom some learned old professor is experimeuting is not pleasant. but to be aloue in a dissecting room c!ouded with the al>solate necess.try tobacco smi'ke (you "must" smoke in sncb a plaee) listening to t!.e coarso jukes of the ‘ slashing’ stadents is simply horrid A move was then put on foot by st>me of tfae fanatics th.it womeu who desired to become doctors sbould be allowed to confine themsolTes to the study of female diseases and diseases of children, and when accorapiished in those branches should receive their diploma. The proposition was ieoetved with a storm of iudignation from the male students and after a great deal of Jebate the ditierent Universities issted au edict to the etfect that “if wonian wants to assmne tfae professions and work beretofore perforraed by man, sfae iunst do it under the same circamstanoes, in t!ie same m ;nner, and nuder tlie same conditious. N > partiality oan be showu if sfae wants to be a licensed pliysician, she mnst arrive at Iier end in the same manner as a uian if uot lot lier be —a midwife.” In time manv women got br vely over tfaeir sqninuishness —bnt tliey don’t vote. until tliey are ready to shoolder t!ieir gun and senre tlie'r couutry. Wheo the w imen here get readv for that we shall all advocate their right t > a siiffnge —b *t if weman wauts to have the privilege of man she mnst perf >rm the duties of man. •