Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 144, 21 June 1894 — More Complications. [ARTICLE]

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More Complications.

The p. g. h«s, ?iuce it w«s plaeeil iuto power bv Mr. Steveus sliowu a reuiarkable facility in blunderiDg, especially iu regar<l to its foreigu relations. Of coor.se, the fnct cloesu’t surprise anybod\' when the laek of expvrience and ignorauce of atfairs of state 011 the part of the government aro taken iuto consideration. The latest blonder is tiie nnpatallelied ii.snlt otft*red to Gre«t Britain i i revoking a permlssion granted to land the b>rces fro»u H B. M. S. Oliauipion for >hore drill. The r« fuse iu i(self would have been remarkable euough as the day p.evious the U. 8. cruiser Philaileiphia was perniitted to land h<*r men, and did so, and turned our peaceful streets i:ito a tr.an* uvering grouud Wheu the British represenfcativ-s were informed of the perraission graated to the V. 8. ship, they nafcurally asked tbat tbe saoie |>rivilege beexteuded to theui, aud M uister Hatch acceedetl to their requ st. Y> steiday mornitig, however, Alr. |Hatch, who evulent!y had been I scolded by father Dole for acting | w:thont being told what to d<>, oppeared at the Brit:sh Legation aud toM Mmister VVodeiiou.se | that tbe perraissiou had been revoked, and that daddy Dole w>)udu't have the red jackets ashore. V. r hat explanation for ithis asto.mdiug proposition was otlered. we do not know. But tbere ean iu our raiud be no expljuatiun whieh ean be satis aetory to the governraent whose , represeut«tives have received so , outragoous a trentment from a pigmy government. of what yet is terraed a “fiieudly nalion.” For the s »ke c>f ti>e coantiy it is to be h*.q>ed that uo seriOUs eompiication will ;»rise, an<l that the Bntisii Miuister will put tbe «ffair dowu to the weli knowu iaek of tact an<I of mvoīr fiirt whieh are characteiijt>c of our missionary rulenb-