Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 144, 21 Iune 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

CALIFORNIA Wine Con\pany 4117 FORT STKEET. Mcln**rny l> J()BBERS (*F > WINE8, tmd : SPIRIT« H. MAY & Co„ 1 Tea Dealers, Coffee Roasters AND Provision Merchants 9S Fort Street. - Honolulo 1 Eamiliee, PUntations and Ships supplied with choioest European A meriean Oroeerie* California Produce by £very Steamer. Kerosene Oil. ‘ THE ALOHA,’ High Gr d- Oil. IVc>* M->dfratc*. ; t T. H. 0AUIE8 & Co. mrl6 Im Long Branch BATH I N G| Estab!ishment. This First-cl-«88 Bathmg Kesort has been eul irged aud is now open to t ; h )>nblic. lt is the best p hc<- i l'<e is)ands to enjoy a bath an.l there is no better plaee to l;»v oH. Special aeeommodations h>r Ladiea. Traracars pass the door «very half honr and on Satnnlays and Snndays every fifteen minutes. e . J. SH£RWOOD Proprietor Chas. T. Ouliek NOTAR> PUBLIC For the Island oL Oahu. Agent to Tate AcknowIedgmenis to Labor Contracts. Agent to Grant Mamape Lieenses, Honolulu, Oahu. Agent for the Haw’n Isiands of Prrr & Scott’s Freight and Parcels £xpress. Agent for the Burlington Koute6eal Estate Mer aii6eneral ir nt BeU Tel. 348; MdL Tel. 139; P. O. Box 415. 0FF1CE: No. 38 M£KCHANT Street Honoluiu H. L