Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 144, 21 June 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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BRUCE CARTWRICHT duānew of a Fidudarr Katare Tr*nsaotetl. Prompt atWntion giveu to the management of Eatates, G tardian.ships, Trnsts, etc., etc., etc. Oni&w, : Ca. i\Dri;fi-t Buil‘ting Merchant 8treet. Honolnln M. LOSK. Xotarv Huhlio. CoUec(or and Generat Bu?iness Agent. Patentee of Lc»se’s Chemical Compound for Clarifying Cane Juiu. ■ Suh-Agent for severa1 of the Best FIRE L\SURANCE COS. i Nuuuai lelepūoue r>. P. O. Box 338. S!ercu»nt street. Honolnln. ______ “FAT B0>.” BAY H0RSE 333 8AL00N ! P. McISERNY, Fkopkietor, Fine Liquors. Wines and Bter. CoRNER BCTHEL AKD HoTKL Sts. LEWIS & C0. Wholesale and Retail Gro AND PROVISION DEALERS. FRESR CAUFORNIA 8ALM0N ONICE By Every 8an Francisoo Steamer. Salt Salmok in Barbels a Spectaltt. /// Fort St., Honolulu. Tel. 240, p Ci. Box 207. Anchor-:-Saloon Ex “AUSTRALTA.” Another Invoice of the Worlc Renowned FREOERICKSBU AG LAGER BEER On draugbt and hy tbe keg. 1 ■■ 1 Also. as a Specialty, | Small Fresh California\ 0YSTERS, 1 FOR COCKTAT LS mayl 3ms ( — Merchant Exchange Comer King um Nonanu Streets. S.-I. SKAW....M»mager. Tbe Fine«t «pleelion of LIQUORS and BEEK, *>M aaywhere in the Ui»n. Fust-dis» aaewUnee. C*U and jndge (oryou«nlL 00 113-tf. PACIFIC 8AL00N, Coraer Eing and Nunaau Streets. KDW. WOLT£B—Vanager. The Fine*t aeleeoon of LIQUOBS «nd EEE&, nU aayvber*ia tha town. Firit nlnai attmdecc«. C«U «nd judge for jxsmmU. no »-tf.