Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 144, 21 June 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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— Notice ot' lntention to JKorclose and ot' Sale. In aooonlanM w.th tbe pr»Tisioni of cerU'n Mort£*g*. ui*Je bv KAAI V K VI.A (k) of Pneopaku, Hilo, Hawaii, to E. G, Hitch* , cocV. datcJ Acgu»t 16. 1890, recordeJ iu i Libcr l'2r> ou 256 »nJ 258 anJ Juir »ssigueJ to Kim Kanaeholo, dat«d October 9. 1891. rocorJvJ in l.iber 126 on p*ge 257. Nonee is herel>y givcn that the tnortgage | intenJs to f.>rvcK»e the ssme f r condtlk>n brvkeu to vrit: tK>r.paycnent of princip«l «nd interest notioe ū iikewiae given th»t sfter ike eipimlion of tluee weeks from tbe , date of this noUee, ifae prv>pertv conveyeJ : by sud mortg*ge will be *dvertūeJ for ūle at pahlie aoehon at Hilo Court House ou Saturday tbe 14 d»T of July, 1894, »t 12 ' noon of >aid '’ay. Furlber purUcnI»rs ean be had of Kiunev M. Koahoa »ttomey &t Uw. P«ed, Hilo, June 18th, 18W. Tertus C»sh. Dc«ds at the eipeuae of porchaser. HHZ KANAEHOLO. Tbe prenuses coveied by said mortg»ge ■ consists of. Tbe nndivided intre«t īn tbe laad des- ■ cribed in Boy»i Fateut Numher 1628 and OK>re parucaūriy deacribcd m deed from ! Kehikelekahi tc KaaikaU mad« 4th Jav o( j Febnsazy, A. D. 18B0, rccordad in Līber l27 | on pagas 40 aad 41.