Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 144, 21 June 1894 — To-night’s Benefit. [ARTICLE]
To-night’s Benefit.
The ])erforui;ince to-night to be given by Philadelphia sailors for the beuetit of Jerry Counors.promises to be a great snccess aml wil! be well attended. The audienee will have lots of fun for their money besiJes spenJiug it for a niost worthy object. The constitutional convention is t.kiug a rest till next M m Jay. They neeJ it. L. J. Levy will sell a lot of banJ anJ oval iron, bolts,screws, bollows, bits, carr age gear, etc. etc. J;unageJ by fire,at 10 o’eloek tomorrow moming, at Wright’s ahopon King street. The Scottish Thistle Club is now locateJ in their new quarters j ou the corner of Hotel and Fort streets. A house-w,irming will take plaee ou the 2nd of July when a gran.l ball will be given. J Morgansold >t noon thedebrisof the building on King Street wh ; ch , were buraed down Iast Sund*y. The buildirg b-longing to E. S. Cunha and occupied by W. W. ; Wright was s*>id f.>r f 110. A platf <rm on the same pretnises i w«s b<uig!it by Ahi f>r The Vtm H>.lt building was knocked j d«»wn to I > e.lr<> f>r $20. A11 buiidings will b' iinumiiate!y ‘ rem>>v*>d where>ip>n the ereotion of brick-bnild res will bf> c>immenced