Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 144, 21 Iune 1894 — LOCAL NOTES. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


T» day ts ihe longest d<y in the year. To day Punahou eloae* f r the long vacation. Tne New?b >y lefl yeeterday fir S>n Francisco. Haeehill nexl Saturday, betwee Hawaii and Crescents. The Convention di>cu88e«l the female suffrage to-<lay. Tbe Conncils inet tbia afternoon in regnlar session. ■ - ■— | A sligbt eartbquake was fek in Hilo on tbe 14th inst. Tbe Kinaa leaves tomorrow witb a large passenger list. To nipht Company B. gives a hall at Ihe Artnory beginning at S o’eloek. Benson a Smith are busy moving to their new quarUra acrO-s the street. Minieter \V<idehouse is confiaed to"his housethrough a siight ind s poailioa. Mr. Palmer Wood who haa niade a sboi t stay iu town returns to bis bomo tomorrow. Tbere was a rush ut Girdler s st ae to-day. E.nbrc;dt ry and insertions were in great demacd. J idge Frear h>.s purchased the re8idence < I J- Rothwell ne<iT Pu—nahou f.r 17,500, Mr. R«>thwell ie h«ving a m w house built at Makiki. Mr. * Mrs. Hatch give a gard“ii p\rtv in bonor of Mr. a Mrs* Thurston at lheir' residence on lVns »c da Street, this aflernoon at 3 o’eleek, \V. M. Holims a well—known f..nner resident of Hawnii has returned t • the countrv and is domici!ed in Hil>>. His t imily arrived w.th him. Althongh the Bei*e of the HoloML'A has be«n tempordrily rednce»l as ftr a« the p:iper is c>ncmied there are no change in thequanlity of tlie print<-d matter. It is stat<-d that Minister >Vodehouae has filed an objeclion with th ‘ mini«ter uf f >re gu aff;iirs to an .trticie w hieh ment:y ap{>eartd in Ihe semi-ofiicial organ. lt is a pleasure to reconl that Mr. Hay W'odehouse who has been seriously i)l for a long tinie is rapidly gaiuing strenght and aWe to be out of doors. It is hoped that he will bave fully recovered in a few weeks. The case of Moemoe charged with burglaiy is being tried before the District Court to<lay. This defendaut is a momber of the p. g. band, and got shot by a polieeman whileclimbing through a window at Kikihale. The programme for the performanee to be given next Satuniay, at the Opera Honseby the Champion boys is now finally arranged. The performance is for the benefit of the British Beneroleut Socjety, aad shoold be well patroni2ed.