Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 143, 20 June 1894 — CORRESPONDENCE. [ARTICLE]
1 [We not bold onrselres responsibl« for the opmions or the utteninoe-> of our C'>m'Sf»jndents.] Ei>itob Holomua: I Sunday morning whi’e tbe eon- ! 1 dtgnttion was in proge>s. eomi plaints were loud on all sides j about the inactivity and ineliiciency of the so-called Fire j Department. In the absence of the Chief Engineer, the men after finally getting in readiness to utiliz* water, wasted raore iujndicioosly apply in g it than in playing it where it wonKl do most g(,x>d. Tliey were apparent bereft of reason and thanks to the ; conrage, an 1 assistance of the volunteersof the old department, as well as proTĪdence, in that there was no wind at the time. the fire was soon nnder control. 1 The corps of men :\s coustitate the 1 present Fire Department are j decidedly out of plaee and in- ; capable in case of an emergency I and tbe Board o/ Underwriters sbonldlose no timein lookiogiuto ! tbis depiorable state of atfairs. Imagine the conseqnences, if the fire had started dnring the ■ night and been fagged on by a I gentie breeze? Uxde;iwett£R. •